John Crawford sculpture &
Eva Faye paintings
August 5th through August 23rd, 2017
Opening reception August 5th, 5 - 8pm

This is John's first show at the gallery and Eva's second. I have known John
Crawford for a very long time and I admire his talent and commitment to forging
metal. His works are tributes to vestigial farm tools, imagined organic forms and
African metal currencies. Heft and grace coexist in his work in a beautiful and
unusual way.
Eva Faye's paintings with cutouts on vellum are the negatives to John's positive
occupation of space. They are light as leaves on a tree. Eva removes what's not
necessary and leaves beautiful rhythmic patterns.
These two artists' are very much opposites on the spectrum of materials and
medium, but somehow their pieces create a wonderful juxtaposition of forms.